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Hindrishi's Blog

5 Yoga Asanas to help you burn your Belly Fat

5 Yoga Asanas to help you burn your Belly Fat

5 Yoga Asanas to help you burn your Belly Fat
healthy lifestyle

5 Yoga Asanas to help you burn your Belly Fat

The best way to reduce body fat in certain places, such as the abdomen, is to exercise frequently without worrying about it. And what exactly fulfils the requirement? Yoga can help you lose abdomin...

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Maintaining a nutritious diet is critical during the Covid-19 pandemic
balanced diet

Maintaining a nutritious diet is critical during the Covid-19 pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on our daily lives. We’re socially withdrawing, keeping at home and unable to eat out. It’s easy to fall into bad eating habits during this time, but stickin...

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