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Apamarg has long been used in different systems of medicine in the treatment of cancer, leprosy, asthma, piles, arthritis, renal disorders, kidney stone, diabetes, gynecological disorders, malaria, cough etc. Apamarga has been used as diuretic in ayurvedic medicine. Saponins from the plant have shown diuretic activity. The active component responsible for the plant’s diuretic property is achyranthine. Mineralization of urinary stones like calcium oxalate, calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate were found to be inhibited by A. aspera. (International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review & Research, vol. 9, issue 2, July-August 2011)

Methanol extract of A. aspera was analyzed for antiurolithatic activity. The growth of calcium oxalate crystals was highly inhibited by A. aspera making it a potential herb for the treatment of renal stone disease. (Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, vol.15(4), 172-177, April 2021)


Yavakshar is an alkali preparation made with whole plant of barley. It is an ayurvedic medicine used in treating urinary diseases, abdominal pain, bloating etc. It is used in treatment of difficulty in urination and urinary calculi. (

Yavakshara possess disintegration, dissolution, dislodging and expulsive property, therefore recommended in kidney stone. It disintegrates the stone, dissolves it due to its hot potency and expel it out. It neutralizes acidic media, changes pH of urine and prevents urine to become concentrated which is considered as one of the reason of stone formation. (Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics, 2018; 8(5); 77-80)


  1. pinnatum is used traditionally for the treatment of kidney stone and urinary insufficiency. In ayurveda, the plant is also known as PASANABHEDA which means dissolver of stones. Clinical studies shows preventive effect of B. pinnatum on the formation of renal calculi. The antilithiatic effect of plant may be through dissolution of preformed stones or prevention of the formation of calcium oxalate crystals & antioxidant activity. (Anc Sci Life 2016, oct-dec; 36(2): 90-97)


Palash pushpa has diuretic property which makes it a great option to treat kidney stone. Palash pushpa, due to its sweet post digestive effect & cold potency, increases urine production and has diuretic property. It facilitates the calculi to bring downward & flush out the calculi. It is also used in dysuria i.e. difficulty in micturition. The symptoms of kidney stone like pain, dysuria, burning micturition, RBCs in urine etc. can be controlled by palash pushpa. (IJAPR, Feb. 2016, vol.4, issue 2)


  1. carota is a widely cultivated crop with traditional claims for its antiurolithiatic potential. A study was conducted to investigate the antilithic potential of D. carota. The plant extract exhibited significant inhibition of nucleation, growth & aggregation of calcium oxalate crystals. It possesses significant antiurolithiatic activity which could be due to its saponins, tannins, flavonoids and polyphenolic content. (Pharmacognosy Journal, vol 10, issue 5, Sep-Oct 2018)